Get to know Teki Pendul Natural Products by Barasa Offical

What is a Pendul Puzzle and its Benefits?

Pendul puzzle plants are included in wild plants or plants (weeds) which grow a lot on people's agricultural lands and become a serious problem for farmers, because pendul puzzles can absorb nutrients in the soil, so it is not uncommon for other plants to grow nearby. the pendulum will slowly die.

The pendulum plant that grows near the swamp

Teki pendul plant is a grass plant belonging to the family Cyperaceae which has flowers resembling small balls.

The general characteristics of the pendul puzzle that we often encounter in the forest and in the community's agricultural land
• It has a short rhizome and propagates near or below the soil surface and an erect stem.
• It has leaves that grow at the base of the stem with a rough leaf surface, green, about 3-10 cm long, and a pointed leaf tip.

• Has small white-brown fruit

• Having thin mustaches with pendul jigsaws

Pendul Puzzle. There are 6 important benefits of pendul puzzles for health
Δ Fever reducer (anti-pyretic)
Δ anti-inflammatory,
Δ urinary laxative,
Δ Treating cough antitussive
Δ Dilute phlegm.
Δ Relieve a stuffy nose
With good preparation and complete mixing, Pendul puzzle can cure cancer, such as breast cancer and uterine cancer.
It turns out that there are lots of herbal medicines that we often encounter, but wuue don't know what the benefits and uses of these plants are. The many plants created by God Almighty must have their respective benefits and functions, so it is appropriate for us to give thanks for the gift of life that He has given us humans.

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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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