Getting to know Teki Ladang Plants (weeds)
Teki Ladang is indeed familiar to farmers, field puzzles are often called nuisance plants (weeds) and many grow wild in residential areas and are often sprayed with pesticides so that Tegi fields become extinct and do not hinder the growth process of rice, vegetables and so on.
Teki plant in the process of flowering |
Teki field or Cyperus rotundus is an agricultural weed that is commonly found in open fields. When people say "puzzle", they usually mean this type, although there are many other types of Cyperus that look similar. Teki are very adaptive and therefore become a very difficult weed to control, and very much grows wild in forests and community-dwelling settlements.
Characteristics of the Field Puzzle The puzzle grass plant has a height of + 40 cm. The stems are soft, triangular in shape, forming a sweet potato, and pale green in color. The leaves are single, lanceolate, the leaf midrib hugs the base of the stem, the tip is tapered, the edges are flat, +50 cm long, + 5 mm wide, and green.Field puzzle plants are included in Monocot plants.
Get to know the benefits of field puzzles
The benefits of Teki leaves that are rarely known to many people
Δ Accelerates Wound Healing.
Δ Relieves Menstrual Pain.
Δ Treating Digestive Disorders.
Δ Streamlining the Urinary Tract.
Δ Smoothing Skin.
Δ Relieves Fever.
Δ Launching Defecation.
Δ Relieve Toothache.
The benefits of puzzle leaves are often used as herbal medicines and can cure various diseases. Puzzle grass is used in treating skin related diseases such as scabies, eczema, water fleas to tinea versicolor. This herb works by helping to reduce itching. You can simply chop or crush the leaves of the nut grass and apply it to the area affected by skin diseases.
Benefits of Processed Puzzle Leaves
Δ Good for digestion.
Δ Controls seizures and epilepsy.
Δ Relieves menstrual or menstrual pain.
Δ Streamlining the urinary tract.
Δ Helps treat skin.
Δ Control high blood pressure.
Δ Treat skin diseases.
Δ Reduce fever.
It turns out that there are lots of herbal medicines that we often encounter, but wuue don't know what the benefits and uses of these plants are. The many plants created by God Almighty must have their respective benefits and functions, so it is appropriate for us to give thanks for the gift of life that He has given us humans.
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