Black Grape Plants Natural Products kang Barasa

Black Grape Plant

Blackcurrant, also known as blackcurrant or cassis, is a deciduous shrub in the Grossulariaceae family grown for its edible fruit. It is native to the temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia, where it prefers moist fertile soil
Tanaman Anggur Hitam (kyoho)

This type of black grape thrives in Japan. The black vine is a rare type of plant, this black vine (Kyoho) is the largest type of grape that we will encounter. In fact, the name Kyoho comes from the Japanese translation of 'giant mountain vine' which comes from Mount Fuji. This black fruit has been cultivated since 1930.

Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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