Getting to Know Raspberry Natural Products by Barasa Official

What is a Raspberry Plant?

Raspberry is a type of plant Raspberries are shrubs with soft stems, so if left unchecked, 3-4 years have to be replaced with new plants," he said. For cultivation, you can use polybags with ordinary rice husk, goat manure and soil as the planting medium.
Fresh and sweet raspberries

Raspberries are a type of edible fruit, which comes from various types of plants in the rose family of the genus Rubus, where most of the species belong to the subgenus Idaeobatus, a name that also applies to this plant. 

The raspberry plant continues to proliferate. The growth of the saplings is about 5-6 months. In 1 stem will usually grow 2-3 new shoots. Depending on our care, about 40-60 cm have started to learn to bear fruit, but usually not as much as possible because it is influenced by the weather and diseases that will attack it. 

In general, normal Raspberry plants can be harvested after about 16-18 months of age, but depending on the care and application of fertilizer that we do, good care will produce good and fresh raspberries.

In general, raspberries grow in summer with low temperatures. Avoid planting red raspberries in low-lying areas that are still wet because it will cause plant roots to rot.

Raspberry plant nutrition content

After testing in the laboratory, raspberries can be consumed directly and are very good for human health.
Raspberry Nutrient Content
• 6.5 grams of fiber.
• 12 grams of carbohydrates.
• 0.8 grams of fat.
• 1.2 grams of protein.
• 25 milligrams of calcium.
• 0.4 milligrams of zinc.
• 150 milligrams of potassium.
• 30 IU of vitamin A.
Raspberry fruit has a very fresh pink color, and can be consumed directly or processed into various sweet foods such as raspberry jam.
Benefits of Consuming Raspberries
• Maintain digestive health.
• Lose weight.
• Control blood sugar levels.
• Maintain skin health.
• Maintain brain function.
• Maintain healthy bones and joints.
• Maintain heart health.
• Prevent cancer.

It turns out that there are lots of herbal medicines that we often encounter, but wuue don't know what the benefits and uses of these plants are. The many plants created by God Almighty must have their respective benefits and functions, so it is appropriate for us to give thanks for the gift of life that He has given us humans.

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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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