Facts Behind Kirak Mushrooms that we should know
Kirak is one of the many mushroom plants found in forests or plantations, but there is something strange or interesting about this Kirak mushroom, what is it? Let's see the explanation.
Kirak is a term that is often mentioned in our village. After I researched and searched for information from several sites or social media, not many people know this Kirak mushroom or even many do not know its existence.
The name Kirak is made because the leaves of the Kirak mushroom are like plates, the diameter of the Kirak leaves can reach 10-15 cm. However, the existence of Kirak mushroom is almost extinct or almost exhausted.
What causes the Kirak mushroom to be almost extinct?
The existence of Kirak mushroom from 2009-2022 is rarely found in the forest due to the large number of land clearing for farming and illegal felling of trees, this triggers the extinction of this Kirak mushroom.
Illegal logging, land clearing and forest burning are the impact of the extinction of various types of plants and animals that are valuable or on the verge of extinction.
Can Kirak Mushrooms be consumed?
Yes, of course it can be consumed, chiral mushrooms can be processed into vegetables, in my village Kirak mushrooms can be sold. Cakes or some kind of sweets are processed by certain people so that the taste and smell of the earth contained in these mushrooms is not felt or even disappears.
The taste of this chiral mushroom has a sweet, slightly sour taste, but is very tasty and delicious especially when it is processed into cakes and accompanied by a cup of warm coffee.
Benefits of consuming Kirak mushrooms
Apart from not being known by many people about this Kirak mushroom, many of our villagers find it helpful to consume this Kirak mushroom such as:
* Smooth digestion
* Treating gout
* Rheumatic
* Prevent beriberi in the eyes
However, if there are side effects when consuming this chiral mushroom, please contact, click here
But if you also want to know the various types of mushrooms that can be consumed and mushrooms that can't be consumed (poisonous) you can click the link below.
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