Benefits Plant Bandotan Natural Products kang Barasa

What is Bandotan Plant?
Bandotan plants grow and bloom in summer.

Bandotan plants are wild plants in Indonesia and are better known as nuisance plants (weeds) in gardens and fields. Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides). Bandotan has a height of up to 1/2 meter with leaves that have fine white hairs and white round flowers. Bandotan plant is an annual plant originating from tropical America, especially Brazil, but has long entered and wild in the archipelago so that it grows wild in Indonesia and becomes a problem in agriculture. Bandotan plants have two types of stems, namely upright and lying on the ground. The stem is round and slightly hairy, bandotan leaves are leaves that are located alternately and face to face, the leaves are oval or rhombic, the leaf size is 2-10 cm long and 0.5-5 cm wide. But do you know?Bandotan plants are often underestimated by farmers, besides being able to damage farmers' crops, Bandotan plants actually have great benefits for our bodies! Whatever it is, let's see the explanation.
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Know the Benefits of Bandotan Plants for our health

~> Overcoming Hypertension and  Cardiovascular Disease,
~> Lowering Sugar Levels,
~> Overcoming Infections In The Body, Contains Antioxidants,
~> Overcoming Malaria,
~> Treating External Wounds on the Skin, ~> Preventing Anemia,
~> Inhibits the Growth of Cancer and Tumors.
To find out more about the benefits of Bandotan Plants, click here
Bandotan plants are plants that can be eaten by insects such as grasshoppers

In addition to growing wild on community agricultural land and often exterminating Bandotan plants or spraying pesticides. It turns out that Bandotan plants have a characteristic that is alternative medicine for ulcer sufferers. Bandotan leaf is a traditional medicine that is believed to be able to relieve pain caused by chronic ulcer disease.
But do you know that apart from having the efficacy of treating various diseases, it turns out that Bandotan Leaves have side effects.

Badotan Leaf Side Effects

According to a study found a toxic content in bandotan leaves. Even the research found that consuming this herb for a long time can cause injury to the liver and trigger tumors. So my advice is to consult a doctor before consuming Bandotan Leaf herbal plants.
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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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