Getting to know Pacing Plants Natural Products by Barasa Offical

What is Pacing Plant?

Pacing/Mondar-mandir plant is a type of medicinal plant. Plants that have the scientific name costus speciosus. The pacing plant has flowers on it that are red or white which can be distinguished from the color of the stems.
 Plants that have the characteristics of white flowers

Pacing plants are a genus of plants native to Southeast Asia. Included in the meeting - findings. found in the lowlands to the mountains, 500-1,000 meters above sea level, especially in humid and somewhat sheltered areas. Grows wild in swamps and wilderness areas or many also make it an ornamental plant.

Pacing leaf plants are single leaves, green, oval to elongated lanceolate, and spirally arranged around the stem. The tip of the leaf is tapered, flat-edged, with a blunt leaf base 11 to 28 centimeters long and 8 to 11 centimeters wide.

Benefits of Pacing Plants that we rarely know

Pacing plants also have several pharmacological effects that can  launch

• laxative urine,
• Antitoxin,
• Get rid of itching
• sweat sweat,
• treat leprosy,
• Skin disease,
• Asthma,
• Anemia,
• Bloated.

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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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