Why is it called Cat's Whiskers?
Cat's whiskers are rarely found in existence, usually these plants live and develop in groups. The reason why this plant is called "cat's whiskers" is because the flowers are white and have white hairs like whiskers similar to a cat's whiskers.
Many facts say that the cat's whiskers plant originated from tropical Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia and thrived in the Indonesian area.
Types of pink cat whiskers plant |
Cat whiskers plant or Orthosiphon aristatus is widely grown in Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Cat whiskers are widely used as ornamental plants, and are commonly used as herbal medicines for various types of certain diseases.
The characteristics of the cat's whiskers plant The main characteristic of the cat's whiskers plant is that it is in the form of a bush with a slightly woody stem and has a few fine hairs, has oval-shaped leaves with a slightly oval and elongated shape.
General characteristics of the Cat's whiskers flower that we often encounter has flowers that are white, pink, or purple. This plant has stamens that hang out as if its shape is similar to a cat's whiskers. The cat's whiskers have the Latin name Orthosiphon Aristatus, including the Lamiaceae family of plants.
So this plant in my area is often used as traditional medicine that can cure various diseases. What are they?
Benefits of the Cat's Whiskers Plant consuming raw cat's whiskers leaves
The most famous benefit of cat whiskers is to treat urinary tract infections and kidney disease. Cat whiskers are generally used as herbal remedies to fight bacterial infections, such as sores on the skin or swollen gums.
The content contained in the cat's whiskers plant
Cat whiskers have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for the body. These benefits come from the content of natural compounds, including:
• flavonoids,
• phenolic,
• triterpenoids,
• sinensetin,
• tannins,
Wet or dry cat whiskers are often used as medicine.Benefits of Decoction of Cat's Whiskers for Health
• Helps with breathing problems.
• Lowers blood sugar levels.
• Lowers blood pressure.
• Treating urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
• Anti-inflammatory.
• Detox.
• Improve memory.
Processed cat whiskers plant by boiling it
That is by boiling half a handful of cat whiskers together with meniran and sambiloto. Add 4 cups of water and 2 fingers of ginger then boil until boiling. Strain the dregs and this herbal medicine can be taken twice a day to reduce itching due to allergies.
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