Getting to Know Grass Plants Natural Products of Imperata by Barasa Offical

What is Reed weed (imperata cylindrica)?

Alang-alang or Ilalang is a kind of grass with pointed leaves, which is often a weed in agricultural land and smallholder plantations. This grass is also known by a unique name because it has different names in different regions, and has different characteristics of weeds.
A weed plant that has delicate flowers

Imperata is a herbaceous plant, grass, which has a height of 30-180 cm. The stems are rhizomes, creeping underground, erect stems forming one inflorescence, dense, sparsely hairy on the books and have thin leaves.
If we look and think why there are no other plants that grow around or near the weeds. This is because Impereta cylindrica is a weed plant which has a very strong allelopathic effect. So don't be surprised if the weeds grow faster than other plants around them and the roots of the weeds will seize all the nutrients in the soil so that nearby plants don't develop or even die. so it's not surprising that farmers often eradicate this type of weed plant.
Reeds or weeds generally grow wild in forests or vacant land, such as agricultural land abandoned by residents. So that it can trigger its development and growth. But do weeds have any benefits?
Yes, of course, weeds have benefits and efficacy for our growth, because Imperata has diuretic properties, so in general it can be useful for kidney disorders.

The reeds can be used for

• treat bloody urine,
• Gonorrhea,
• Acute kidney inflammation, 
• Crushing kidney stones.

Benefits of Weeds for Health

• Internal Medicine. • Help Treat Leucorrhoea. • High Blood Medication. • Help Overcome Diabetes. • Help Relieve Nosebleeds • Help Treat Asthma. • Overcome Difficulty Urinating Problems. • Help Maintain Heart Health.
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The benefits of thatch root for health
Reeds are widely used to treat various diseases such as hypertension, heartburn to nosebleeds. These benefits come from the content in the roots of the weeds such as active substances that are anti-pyretic, diuretic, and hemostatic.

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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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