Reveal the Facts Behind Pandan Leaf Plants kang Barasa

Pandan Leaf Plant and its Origin

Fragrant pandan is a type of monocotyledonous plant from the Pandanaceae family which has leaves with a distinctive aroma. Leaves are an important component in the culinary traditions of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. This plant is easy to find in the yard or grows wild on the edges of shady ditches.

Pandan Leaf Plants

The area of ​​origin of the pandanus plant
Pandan is thought to have come from islands in the Pacific Ocean, with the largest distribution in Madagascar and Malesia. Its distribution is almost all over Indonesia, because this plant is easy to grow. For diversity some varieties of leaves have spiny sides.
Pandan Root from a pyramidal channel as a stem retainer. The roots are adventitious and often branched. This plant has male flowers and female flowers that are produced on different plants. Pandan plants grow a lot in Indonesia, especially those with tropical climates, which are very suitable for cultivating pandanus plants.
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Pandan leaves are shaped like a sword, with green to dark green color and have a distinctive fragrance. In general, pandan leaves are used as a spice to give a fragrant aroma to cooking, medicine and as a raw material for making perfume.

Benefits of Pandan Leaves for health

The nutritional content of pandan leaves
~> Calories: 321 kcal.
~> Protein: 2.2 grams.
~> Carbs: 78 grams.
~> Fiber: 3.5 grams. 
~> Vitamin A: 390–724 micrograms.
~> Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.04 milligrams.
~> Vitamin C: 2 milligrams.
~> Calcium: 134 milligrams.
It turns out that behind the high efficacy, it turns out that pandan leaf plants have side effects. Click here
Benefits of Pandan Leaves that We Rarely Know
• Relieves Joint Pain and Arthritis.
• Preventing Heart Disease.
• Natural Skin Remedies.
• Controlling Blood Sugar Levels or overcoming Diabetes problems.
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Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Kidney Health
Besides being used as a fragrance in tea, it turns out that Pandan Leaves can also treat kidney problems because Pandan Leaves are natural diuretics, which have the ability to improve kidney health. In addition, pandan leaves can also neutralize toxins by releasing dirt from the body.
Pandan Leaves Treat Mag/Stomach Pain
Pandan leaves are known to help digestive disorders such as ulcers or GERD. Ulcer is a term that is often used to describe body conditions that feel pain in the stomach, especially the stomach.
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Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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