My Biodata kang Barasa

Welcome to the Kang Barasa Blogger Site. This is my first post. I will share knowledge about natural products that are almost extinct.
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Name       : Parsaoran Barasa
male.        : gender
Religion.  : Catholic
origin.      : Medan, North Sumatra
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Writing is my hobby, Natural Products.
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There are so many almighty creations that we don't recognize, let's learn together to uncover the facts behind them

My website favorite

Get to know pumpkin, its growth process and its benefits
* Freshly harvested and fresh cucumbers
* What is a fern?
* Sintrong Plant in Flowering Process
* What is Bandotan Plant?
* Beans and Their Origins
* What is Pare?
*Pandan plant and its origin
* Betel Leaf Herbs
* Ginger Plants and Its Benefits
Why is turmeric plant yellow?
* What is a Clibadium Surinamense plant?
* Cultivation of galangal and how to process it
* Unique facts about hibiscus flowers?
* The reason why onions make your eyes sting
* Unique facts that you rarely know about garlic
* Is the Chromolaena Odorata plant edible?
* Is the takokak plant still available?
* The important benefits of puzzle grass are rarely known
* Why are the leaves of the princess embarrassed to be touched shrivel up
* Do you know the facts about the Athyrium filix-femina plant?
* Do you know facts about the Puzzle Pendul plant?
* Herendong plant benefits for health
* Do Senggani plants still exist?
* Unique facts about Ki tolod (Isotoma longiflora) Plants
* The tempuyung plant and its benefits for health?
* Is Tapak Liman good for pregnant women?
* Can the Kecibeling plant reduce blood pressure?
* You are nearsighted, immediately consume spoon leaves
* Why is it called the Leaf of the God of Thousands of Benefits?
* What are Meniran Plants and their Functions?
* What are the benefits of Imperata cylindrica?
* Why is it called Cat's Whiskers
* Benefits of Pacing Plant Leaves, We Must Know!
* Why is it called Earring plant
* Sabrang plants and their benefits are important for us to know
* Why is aloe vera called a thousand uses?
* What are the uses of the Cumin / Tenji plant?
* Strawberry cultivation tips and tricks in pots
* Are Pineberries and Strawberries the same fruit?
* What is the difference between black berries and black grapes?
* Why do cherries taste so sweet?
* Can blueberries be consumed by pregnant women?
* Unique facts about the taste of Mulberry fruit
* Can black grapes be consumed by children?
* Carnberries can be processed into what?
* Why do Raspberries taste good?
* Important Benefits of Consuming Gojiberry
* At what age did you know that the Clavulinopsis Laeticolor plant is still alive?
* Why do Kir mushrooms only live for a short time?
* Unique facts about puris mushrooms that we must know
* why Niram Mushrooms can't be eaten 
* Can ear mushrooms be consumed?
* Coprinellus disseminatus Fungus Facts that we should know
* Are Amauroderma mushrooms poisonous?
Don't touch or you will regret Russula       delica mushroom.
Why can't Amanita virosa be Consumed?
Facts Behind Kirak Mushrooms that we should know
What are the benefits and side effects of consuming oyster mushrooms?
Why are Dapperling Mushrooms poisonous?
Don't Be Fooled By The Beauty/Uniqueness Of Shitake Mushrooms
1001 Benefits of Enoki Mushroom
Unique Facts about Button Mushrooms
Symptoms of Excessive Consumption of Truffle Mushrooms
Causes of Rare Yartsa Gunbu Mushroom
why? White Truffle Mushrooms Are Very Expensive and Rare
What are the important properties of Matsutake mushrooms?
The Cause of Snow Mushrooms We Rarely Find

Kang Barasa

I am a farmer who has a dream to preserve nature.

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